You can save your loved ones…Do not let anybody DIE that slow death of …

Meraj Abbasi
7 min readJun 27, 2020


S#2 — L#1

“Depression (at its worst) can lead to suicide and suicide is the second leading cause of deaths in 15-to-29 years old.”_WHO

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

According to WHO, “Globally more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression.”

This blog is all about depression awareness.

I tried my best to keep this whole discussion as authentic and easy-to-digest as it can be.That’s why so many links and references are used.


It is better to spend some time on educating ourselves about depression,Than losing some loved one from our lives, because of depression..

See,this fact provided by WHO,which says,

Illiterate people from rural areas, don't treat any depressed like a patient_They don’t even understand this!
photo by saeed channa on saeed captures

” Between 76% and 85% of people in low- and middle-income countries receive no treatment for their disorder”.

Due to inaccurate assessment.

One of it’s major reason is lack of trained medical staff.

So, it is my effort to educate you as well as myself through this story.

This whole story will be based on following eight-8 points.

  1. Understand Depression in simple language
  2. It’s symptoms
  3. celebrities who had faced depression.
  4. Sandeep Maheshwari’s thoughts on treating depression
  5. Difference between Anxiety, Tension, Stress and Depression
  6. Triggers for depression(Trigger:any incident or thought that is responsible to turn on your depression mode)
  7. Causes of depression
  8. It’s TREATMENT methods

1.How to define depression in easy language.

It is an state of mind(دماغ کی حالت) where you,

i. Continuously feel sadness for long hours (long sadness)

ii.You lose interest in everyday activities . (i-e, your job,sports, outing with friends and every other thing will not excite you.)

iii.Excessive guilt (You start feeling guilty due to any small incident or even without any reason)

iv.Can’t concentrate on anything like study or work

v.Sleep problems_sleep less than normal or will awake in every 20–30 minutes all night

vi.Weight changes (usually weight decreases in depression but in rare cases it can be gained)

vii.Physically weak_ feeling tired without even doing anything, and

viii. Thoughts of suicide_One random negative thought will cause you to overthink for hours and hours, and you will end up in HOPELESSNESS.

Thoughts like, “Life is not worth living”,”No one likes me”,”I will fail in my life”, “I am a LOSER” and many more thoughts like these can come in your mind.

These thoughts can be treated through “COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL therapy”__ I’ve talked about it, in counselling part.!

If any of negative thoughts come to you then: DO NOT ignore it.

A big NO.

It is a critical situation. It will be harmful to not share these thoughts.

By harmful i mean there are high chances of committing suicide when you’ve facing it for years alone.

Immediately talk to some friend or someone in family and share what you are feeling.. you will feel better .

If these symptoms remains for more than two weeks_ ONLY THEN their is a chance of DEPRESSION.

Otherwise, it’s not depression.Is any other issue.

Are you getting the point?

Yes!..I am talking to you

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

who is reading this story like your exam paper.

Be attentive.

OK than..Let me tell you a bit more.

2.What are its possible symptoms_ to identify it .

Here are some of the symptoms (categorically).

o Feelings

You will feel:





o Behaviors

Social withdrawal_ Being lonely

Lack of energy

Low motivation

Can’t concentrate

problems in your sleep

Significant changes in appetite(بھوک میں اہم تبدیلیاں)

o Thoughts

Poor self esteem(خود اعتمادی کی کمی)

Thoughts of suicide

Loss of interest

3.The Celebrities_ who faced depression.

There are two-(2) reasons to mention them here.

That are,

i.These are very successful and mentally strong people (mostly) and they faced depression.

They not even cured it but also shared it with the world.

If you have depression, than be vocal about it.

It doesn’t mean that you are mentally week.

Mostly people (like you and me) do not share mental disorder because they don’t wanted to be judged by people.

Don’t give attention to judgmental people.Focus on bright (and important part) __sharing!

Just by sharing your thought_ you start feeling good

So, share it and cure it.

ii.The second reason is :For Fun!

It isn’t good to be authentic all the time.😬😬😂😂😬😬

Here are the celebrities.

1.Dwayne Douglas Johnson

also known by his ring name The Rock. He says in an interview with,

“I reached a point where I didn’t want to do a thing or go anywhere. I was crying constantly.”

2. Shahrukh khan

King khan told to hindustantimes that

“he faced depression when he was recovering from his shoulder injury in 2008”.

3.Selena Gomez

She told in an interview with HerperBazaar that

“I’ve had a lot of issues with depression and anxiety, and I’ve been very vocal about it, but it’s not something I feel I’ll ever overcome”.

4. J.K. Rowling

The woman behind Harry Potter told Oprah Winfrey that she suffered from acute depression between the ages of 25 and 28, which she remembered as a “dark time” in her life and a “terrible place to be”.


5.Bruce Springsteen

One of the most successful musicians of all

6.Michael Fred Phelps

The most successful and most decorated Olympian of all time.

And Lady gaga, Prince herry, Jim carry-the comedian, Ellen Degeneres-American comedian

and the list goes on and on.

From Amitabh bachan to Momina mustehsin to Jphny depp and so on.

4.Sandeep maheshwari’s word on fighting with depression

According to him

”To better heal, it is very necessary that your body should work well.

For that you should be focused o these five(5) elements.

1. Earth-It means taking fruits, vegetables, and other earth-products.

2. Water-To keep hydrated

3. Fire-To take necessary sun light

4. Wind-clean air to inhale.

You can go to parks for that.

5. Open air-To spend some time on terrace(چھت) everyday

These elements are from AYURVEDA in old Sanskrit documents.

5.Stress, Anxiety, Tension and depression are NOT SAME

Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash

As we are not professionals, we usually got confuse in between with these four(4) terms.

Stress, anxiety, and depression are short-term things.

where as depression (if not treated) can go with you for years and even up to death.

I think it is enough to clear the concepts.

If you want to learn more__ you can checkout here.

Otherwise, Keep moving with me.


“Depression” or “mental disorder”like words recalls me a scene form movie kabir singh.

What a performance!_ i must say. You can watch too.In below given video.

Scene goes like this,

“Kabir is in conversation with a guest who is also his friend.

A glass is broken by maid_obviously by mistake_He(kabir) hears the sound and immediately rush to the kitchen.

maid was scared and she ran down but he followed her and


See the whole scene in Trailer .

At 36–40 seconds.

Actually he was triggered!

Like this, there are some triggers which can turn your depressed on.

Let’s defines them.

As i said, sadness don't need any big reason or sometimes not even a reason. It can arrive without any reason. These triggers are not 100% obvious.

Here are some of the common triggers:

  1. Death of a loved one__There is a misconception about losing a loved one. It usually puts you in a Grieving process. During this process you feel everything; like anger, sadness, hopelessness and loneliness.which looks like depression. But it isn’t. It is a temporary process and its recovery can take you Maximum two-2 years.
  2. Moving your Location
  3. Having financial crisis
  4. Giving birth to a child(this is known as postpartum depression)_According to WHO “More women are affected by depression than men”.
  5. Loneliness

And more issues. You can analyse them deeply Here.;

7.What Actually Causes Depression(کی کیا وجوہات depression)

There are three-3 chemicals in our brain responsible for happiness and good mood, when they release normally.


ii. Nor-epinephrine


Simply,Their abnormality or shortage of these 3 chemicals cause depression.

8.Treatment Methods

1.Medical methods:

As it is due to the shortage of certain chemicals;

By the using medicines that increase the level of these three-3 chemicals and improve the mood, we cure it medically.

#medicines_should be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

2. Counseling:

Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash

In this method.

You go in psychotherapy sessions and counseling sessions__ whose primary object is

“to identify negative thoughts that comes in your mind and teach you how to change them and replace them with positive thoughts”.

According to the experts __ Satisfying results will be achieved by the combine treatment (of both methods).

Final thought,by me

If you feel you can’t survive tomorrow, just survive today

Depression can be treated completely…!

Share it with people around you and you will have power of survival

Discuss it, fight with it and get rid of it!

Life is not worthless. It is much more valuable than a disorder.



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