Wrong beliefs of Pakistani dramas that are keeping us poor
How Pakistani dramas are destroying the future of our young generation to keep us “poor”
Bollywood has impacted our beliefs to a great level.
Especially on the generation of early 90’s up to 2000 and 2010
The concepts of an angry young man and the fairy LOVE TALES are coming from there.
But when PEMRA took steps and blocked Indian content and most of us got introduced (including me) to Pakistani entertainment.
Then we realized that,
Although we have excellent art but,
Pakistani scriptwriters have the same problems in their beliefs which they are feeding us subconsciously.
Believe it or not,
Also in terms of data
it is very important to keep a check on our beliefs when consuming anything.
Let me clear one thing here.
That I am not against Pakistani dramas.
What I am doing is, pointing what needs to be worked on (according to me)…
Here are some of the things that I am talking about.
I am sure when thinking; you’ll also agree with what I am saying
1. Broke is poor (50)
You have seen it in so many Bollywood movies from the ’90s and now. That when the villain is destroying a wealthy hero, he gets his all wealth and lets him enjoy being on the roadside!
What's that man…
Is there anything like financial planning, security, investment or not
Does it seem like we had a tummy millionaire???
Let’s take an example from the hit “SWARG” of the 1990s
You may remember that epic scene,
“When Rajesh Khanna gets broke and his mill is burnt out. He just can’t afford a penny and is thrown deep down into poverty”
When he was making his business from scratch, he obviously had acquired some skills and habits that let him enjoy prosperity. Where were those skills?
Where was his millionaire mindset?
It was just an example from Bollywood, but if you observe. This is what is happening here in our content.
2. Being well to do is due to luck or “mehirbani” (50)
Another thing in being good financially has only two ways;
The first; is that you have a good job because of someone's recommendation.
(Because you don’t have any skill.
Actually, no one has any skill in this drama world).
And the other one is that you are lucky and you got a job, or someone let you start a business
Everything is due to luck and ‘’mehirbani’’…
3.Job is everything (50)
Let me present you with another belief that is destroying us. And the most dangerous one for Pakistan
That whatever you have to do is to do it through the job. There isn’t any concept of Selfmade Empire and entrepreneurship here
A successful hero in drama gets a job.
And the most successful and hardworking man gets,
guess what…
the bigger job!
No one is doing business
No one is following a passion
No one is talking about financial independence
P.S…This is what I think to be worked on
Let me know your thoughts on that also…
and one more thing,
Now, some of you great people will have some objections like,
Success-conscious people don’t waste their time watching dramas. so, what will be the effects on their professional growth?
Let me answer it like this,
“But more than 60% of us must have watched dramas and movies from our childhood. Which have taught us these beliefs.
These are those which we mostly not put a check on.
And these are the most destroying”