I Will Do It Later-5 Tips To Control This Mindset And Achieve more…

Meraj Abbasi
4 min readApr 7, 2020


“You may delay but time will not and lost time is never fond again”-Benjamin Franklin

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

An overlook

“I will do it later” because I am busy in this thing. Or “I will do it later” because i have time.

More or less but we all go through this excuse which we justify later.

Procrastination and hustle are like to opposite muscles. Which one is in more working, is more stronger.

(this view of hustle and laziness as muscles is my hypothetical view just for easy understanding)

So, it is in your hands to boost anyone you want. Strength of these muscle define your success, bank balance and status in future.

without wasting time.Lets go through the solutions below…

1. Just start it

There is no time when you feel perfect.its always now or never.

The perfect time to start was yesterday.

And the second perfect time is now.-Alux.com

Basically the message is that if you want success and growth, the best time to act is right now.

When we have to work on our skills we usually make excuses like,”its too late to start” or ”I will do it later”.

Our attitude was same even 6 months earlier and when one of the friends started working and now after watching his pics of being successful. we still say ”I will do it later”.

So ,stand up and just start it.

2. Start with one

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

There is a disclaimer of above point ,start with one. When we beat procrastination and get to work, we work much more than we should.

Like doing excessive exercise in gym or doing multiple tasks at a time.

It creates confusion and fatigue in mind and our mind unconsciously start avoiding to get back again.

3. Respect yourself

it is our subconscious program that as much you respect yourself ,you grow productive and get away from putting things off.

Again your self-steem within you is like a muscle which grows with time and there is no any other way to install self esteem.

(this view of self steem as muscle is my hyppoyhetical view just for the sack of under standing)

· Practice solution 1 and 2 (described above) to gain the self esteem.

4. Break down the task is small ones

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Every time when you have big and scary tasks, break them down in small parts.

It will help you getting started and you know “half of the procrastination disappears when you’ve started”.

5. Get a partner

There are high chances of getting distracted again and again alone , when you are not accountable to someone.

But when you have a partner to discuss your goals and tasks. Chances are almost negligible of being lazy. It could be one of your friend or any professional coach to help you being disciplined.

Many successful entrepreneurs and multimillionaires use this trick to boost their productivity .

Do the same and results will be better.

· Bonus tips

i.put reminders

Like alarms, writing on your mirror or on calendar and so on.

ii.plain your actions in advance

Ideal way is to plan one night before for next day. But in case, you haven't planned last night your priority should be planning your day in next morning.

Advance planning creates clear vision for you and not let you procrastinate.


I’ll do it later- this is not a serious problem when you ecognize it and try to control it.You also shouldn’t ignore it because we humans have only one life. And We cannot afford to waste it.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

My inspiration to write on this topic is a blog from breaktheframe.com

It is an ideal place for those who are interested in observations and strategies to live and lead on their own terms.



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