You can be successful by doing what others are missing.
Here you entered in Experience age, where, there are a lot of inventions which SEEMS valuable. But they stop you to succeed (According to my opinion).
Look, achievers and Strugglers have same 24 Hours a day.
It’s all about how you utilize your time. A Successful person is busy in doing what he SHOULD DO while others are doing what they COULD DO. They are doing so many fruitless activities.
This story is all about opportunity for you to make it now because if not now then WHEN?
World is going to give you the Biggest chance ever in History to get to the top. Road to the success is almost empty, because most of the people are escaping the struggling part.
Here is a Free landmark, start your journey to the success.
So, be ready..!
Here, in this story…I m going to discuss the DO’s and DON’Ts to live your best life.
1) Instead Of Competition, Go your Own Way.
You may have heard various sentences that promote competition. They are promoting rat race actually, escape it…
There are two levels in the world of achievement.
o Level 1:
People who belongs to the First one, Are followers. They are doing so many things again & again without planning, improving or even thinking.
o Level 2:
These People are Leaders and Are Torch bearers to the world.
There vital quality is: They don’t chose from the MENU .They think about the results and then make their own way by proper planning and strategic execution.
2) MISTAKES AND Antidotes.
You know your activities define result. But important thing is to do right one.
Avoid these two mistakes to get results.
- Time wasting
We all have same amount of time. It all comes down to how you choose to spend yours.
Productive time spend is Most valuable asset.
In beginning it seems as a matter of Moments and Minutes. If you think seriously you might terrify yourself.
Minutes compound into hours .And before you realize. You have wasted half of your working day or even valuable half part of your LIFE.
Things like social media and entertainment are time robbers. They rob you to make mediocre.
As a coin has two sides .In same way entertainment has its dark-side.
Studies and experience show that as a student 10 minute spend on social media(During studies) can cause you more than a natural break of 20 minutes without social media.
So, go on a Media diet, if you are studying any important topic or working on your IMPORTANT project.
Make sure less scrolling more doing, because browsing others life does largely nothing for your own life (except make us more depressed apparently).
2. Short-term vision
-Jack Ma (of Alibaba) has the Business-plain of 102 years.
-J.K.Rowling thought of seven years at Hogwarts, before she started writing her first of seven novels (of harry potter).
Every High-Achiever in history has this common plus point. They think for future, but positively. Because negative long-term vision is equal to no-vision or even more dangerous.
Researches show that a successful and an un-successful person gain different results by same efforts; it’s all about their vision. As big you can think, you’ll get.
That’s why, successfuls are successful.
If you are not thinking long term, you are afraid of Big thinking (consciously or sub-consciously)
.Go, learn, clear doubts and think long-term.
It’s fact.
Your mind-set decides your achievement level. So, avoid this to go to extreme.
You read about problems. Here is the solution.
Here are Three-(3) golden points(To me these are Healer cum accelerators). These things can make your progress faster than ever.
You have to consider them to get the extreme results.
1. Focus
2. Knowledge
3. Consistency
I know you are getting bored from these types of words like “Be hungry” “Try try…
But, trust me! just try for ones (Escape your beliefs first, they may be wrong) and you’ll be amazed.
1. Focus
Focus is nothing but to think, consider and work on the one most important thing at one time.
This is a myth that you should work on so many things at a single time to get more results. But the reality is human brain is not for multi-tasking. It is programmed to be single-task.
Og Mandino (American author) said; ” It is those who concentrate on but one thing at a time who advance in this world.”
Be focused on your goal and start Anti-goal dieting.
It’s my term. This says;
Ignore everything that is not getting you closer to your goal.
And Believe me. This habit can take you to the REVOLUTIONS.
1. Knowledge
An average CEO reads fifty books per year.
You may have heard that “Knowledge is power”. But you have to completely consider its core and in-depth moral.
You still need to realize its message.
You and Your best friend, for example, are of same age. But you’ve crisis in business. Whereas, he has double operating profit and turn-over then anyone else in the market.
See the difference. Now, some of you may say this is because of product, market, season or anything else.
Then, buddy, this all comes on basics of knowledge.
As more you know, as profitable you’ll be.
Mark Twain said,
”It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
It’s what you for sure that just ain’t so.”
Robert T kyosaki is the author of most successful self-finance book ever (Rich dad poor dad).
Let’s compare Robert and a 9–5 employee. Even after, he put so many more hours in work, there earning can’t be equal.
The thing is Knowledge. Robert has financial knowledge. That makes difference.
1. Consistency
“It’s not what we do ones in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently”; Anthony Robbins.
You should definitely keep it life-long.
There is a saying that, “If you are persistent you’ll get it. If you are consistent you’ll keep it.”
It is like oxygen for anything important to you. No matter it is business, exercise, investing, dieting, managing or anything else.
Specially, it is most important to business.
Service station, for example, must be consistent (you can relate to any business of your interest). Because, every time when customer visit, they will expect the same good service. If they slip, even for one time, they’ll lose customers.
Consistency is starting of journey which ends to result.
I am actually one of those who posses anti-consistency nature.
I do a couple things to build consistency like, rewards and reminders.
I select rewards for my small tasks .same as you can.
-Caution: Remember! ..Small tasks. You should start from small things. Because, if you make big promises in very beginning and failed to achieve. It can badly harm your confidence.
Instead..! When you make small promises and fulfill them. This boosts your confidence.
Same as reminders. You can use different reminders like a sticky-note on mirror or any other thing, just to remember that you are on a mission to complete “your task”.
It’s really fascinating topic to write about. I could write a lot more on this topic (and probably will in future).But I’ll leave it at that for now.
I hope this was helpful.
Thanks for reading! These were my views on existing opportunities which I enjoyed writing. It’s important to remember, though, I currently view the possibilities for you and I won’t necessarily hold true for everyone. Let me know your thoughts and responses.