3 steps to be GENTLEMEN…
Congratulations…You are upcoming Gentlemen.
Word “Gentlemen” is coming from very ancient times and has very precise meaning.
In 17 century, it was used for the person who is”NOBLE BY BLOOD” or by descendence (not by degree of king).A king can give respect to anyone for good service to the crown. He can be a Duke or a Noble but he was not even allowed to use “Gentlemen”. This was only for the BORN NOBLES.
But the funny thing is that, Offspring’s of a duke or noble made by king were allowed to use “Gentlemen” for themselves.
Modern definition
Modern definition is totally different from the old version. This says that,
You are gentlemen: if you are calm, Modest, Realistic, courteous, respectful and well-dressed.
Here are 3 basic points that will help you unleash your inner Gentlemen…..
“First impression is the last impression”.
We are hearing this for so many years, since our childhood. Do you know why? Because it’s true.
First impression is like minerals in seed which you are going to plant. It remains forever in relationships and connections.
Good appearance needs hygienic personality,smiling face-impression and a well dressed look.
Simple but significant dressing.
Researches say that when you greet people with smile, more than 50% people smile back to you.
“”Looking good is not self importance, its self respect””.
-Charles Nix
“A man is only as good as his words are”.
-Frank Sinatra
Today, any well-dressed man is Gentlemen to us. But it’s not the case.
I am hiring a best designer in the world, let’s suppose, to dress a person who has no speaking manners and ettiquites. By some efforts he will become a (So called) “Gentlemen”, so what.
When he opens his big mouth.
Everything suddenly loses its importance. Every single penny spent on dressing will be meaningless.
I don’t mean to say that dressing has no importance .I am saying that both things have their own importance.
Ok! Let’s come back to speaking.
Be confident, take pauses and speak in loud tone.
This will actually convince people to listen what you are trying to say.
Loud means easy to listen(not “screaming”).
Keep in mind that your body language is more important than your words. It matter most that how you said then what you said..!
.So, focus on your body language to be a good speaker.
But, remember that your current emotional position should not reflect in your gestures. It may be ruin your long efforts.
Think for a moment, you are listening to a motivational speaker or a corporate trainer. Who started crying during his speech.
How will you feel? Isn’t so embracing…
-Don’t completely underestimate your feelings, just save them for the right time.
This is going to be so long Because i think you should know every important aspect on this topic .
Ok, let’s move on.
Next thing is to use positive vocabulary. Just think a couple of minutes. Trace out what are your “used to” words. And change every that word which is negative.
Like, can’t, Impossible or I Wish change them into can, possible and I will.
This thing makes your impression strong firstly and in addition, it makes you makes you closer to success.
Because your words define your mental status and that defines your actions. And obviously actions drive you to the results.
Take your time. It’s never so late .You can’t become a confident speaker over-night. But the thing is never give-up. There is an unknown quote that says, “Champions train, Loser complains”.
Here are some bonus points that can show results late but practically, these are very useful.
· Never Gossip
It decreases your respect in others eyes.
· Don’t react
Never react at anyone’s bad complement. How you react to things describes how you perform.
· Listen others
If you want respect then give it first. This is a universal rule.
When you are speaking, you are not learning. But, when you are listening, you are always learning something.
“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say”.
-Bryane H. McGill
“Being a boy is a matter of chance,
Being a man is a matter of age, But
Being gentlemen is a matter of choice”.
-VIN Diesel
It is all about how people treat you and you will behave to the world. These standards always set by yourself, whether consciously or sub-consciously.
It also includes qualities like chivalrous, courteous, integrity, and obviously respect.
Standards are different for everyone.
I am making it very brief. Just to Sketch out its importance.
Apply them NOW and see the results.
Thanks for reading!
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